When it comes to freelancing, one of the biggest challenges can be finding work. Even the most successful of freelancers will experience a lean month here and there, so it pays to have as many sources of potential work as possible. That’s why we’ve compiled a monster list of freelancing job sites from around the net. There is sure to be a site in here that is listing a job tailor made for you!
Before we get to the list though I would like to mention that as FreelanceSwitch is fast becoming the destination of choice for freelancers we will be adding our own job board for listing freelance gigs. It’s arriving in a fortnight and for the first three months job listings will be totally free of charge to help get the board running.
As with all our lists if we missed a critical resource, please send it or add comments. We go through these lists every week or two and add new resources to keep them updated. Also found to have marked the site for the types of freelancers who will benefit and places that may be applicable. And now without further ado, here they are:
Finding A Traditional Job
Bread'n'butter is their job advertisements, web sites ...
27. GoFreelance
(Warning: this site appears to require a PAID registration)
(Warning: this site appears to require a PAID registration)